Finding a name

Tina took on the task to find a name /logo for our website. Doing that, she asked the rest of the group if they had any ideas and then put together a Mind-Map. While our trip to the beach, we thought about maybe using something animal related, preferable the turtle since it is a sea animal, but we did not have a clear idea of what exactly.

So, she made the Mind Map and then we talked a bit about what she thought of and we added some other possible ideas. The name was supposed to aim at students and we thought it would be nice to relate it somehow to “talking” since the whole idea is based around students sharing small stories.

Here you can see the Mind-Map Tina put together:


Possible names were for example “Hidden Messages”, “Anonymous Turtle” or “Turtle Posts”. We then did a little vote and the three names that we liked most were:

  1. Turtle Talks
  2. Ghost Mail
  3. Unipost

If you want to read more about that, you can look at Tina’s Blog that is references below.


Sabine, T., 2014. Tina’s Blog. Available from: [Accessed on the 11th March 2014]